First off, all of the flora and fauna is huge. I mean beyond comprehension. I've seen an aloe Vera plant the size of a one car garage. The one in the picture below is small. And trust me, it's an aloe plant.
On another side note, their wildlife also has great natural defenses, such as barbed beehives. I mean, look at the picture, it says it all.
But, what I fear most down here are the chimangos. They're a mix between a raven and a hawk, and they like to stay in groups. It's like an Alfred Hitchcock film waiting to happen. Then again, it didn't help that Omar told me that they have killed people, which I found out was a lie a short while later. But take a look at them.
Would you trust a group of those with your kids? I wouldn't.
But that's just a quick commentary on the wildlife. I have to say that the food here is absolutely AMAZING. If anyone ever travels abroad for the food, Argentina has to be on your list. The pastries are delicious, the coffee is amazing, the ice cream is great, it's all amazing. However, there is one thing people must have when they are here:
The myth, the legend, the Asado, or as we in the U.S.A. would like to it, a barbecue. And the meat is of a better quality than anything I have had in the U.S. Sorry America, you can't win them all. Especially when it comes to beef.
I also forgot to mention that people here have lives. Yes, they go to work a lot, and there is definitely poverty here. However, people see their families, and they still get together, even if it's just for mate. In that sense, I think the people here have better mental health then the average American who's working insane hours and brings work home with them. But that's a discussion for another post. I'll probably put that in my post about my capstone research, since that one will be far more political. Oh boy!
However, there is the main reason that I'm here, and it's the best reason by far. This has been made possible by the guy who's been my tour guide and translator. He also happens to be my boyfriend.
I mean, look at that face, who couldn't love that face?
But, I'll be in the blogosphere soon. There will be pictures, food, hilarity, and of course, sarcasm to tie it all together.
(I also forgot to mention the Gay Bar. God, I'll need to write about that. Actually, I should just write a book, it would be pretty hilarious and insane. But, I digress.)
Anyhow, everyone have a good night, and I'll write again soon.
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Location:Mar del Plata, Argentina