Saturday, May 11, 2013

I'm About to be Edguhmacated!

If the horribly misspelled title doesn't give it away, graduation is close. Really close. As in this time next week my bachelor's degree shall be conferred upon me.

Holy shit.

Literally since I was about five years old, college was this mystical place, where people came out smarter, and were capable of being future champions of society. I have literally dreamed of this for the past 20 years.

Now what?

That's the grand question now: now what do I do? My original plans have been squashed, so now I am back at square one, like most other college grads. Except I have one advantage, and that's having a job. That pays my bills. Sure, it's not what I studied for whatsoever, but at least I'm in a better position than most other college graduates. And it pays for my increased food costs, now that I can't eat gluten anymore.

Yeah, that happened. If I eat gluten you'd see me keel over as if I was a guy who just got a soccer ball to the crotch. And pretty quickly too.

At least I still have dairy. If I couldn't have dairy, I'd end it. I love cheese and ice cream too much.

But I massively digress. I graduate in a week, and I'm trying to find greater life goals, since my main one is now accomplished. Four years of overloading classes and working 3 to 4 jobs a semester are done.

Now I'll have free time. Which could be good or bad. All I know is that I can finally read for fun again. Which will be nice. And I'll finally read the books professors assigned for reading and enjoy it.

If any of them happen to be reading this: I'm sorry, but you assigned it, which means you forced it upon me. I'll retain enough to get me through class, that's it. Now I'll actually care. Sorry, tis the way of the world.

Besides reading, I know I should get a social life. Or maybe travel more internationally. There's really nothing to hold me back, and I enjoyed my solo trip to Florida immensely. So maybe another solo trip in the next six months?

You never know.

Anyway, I have been procrastinating a paper on the comparison of Maoism, Marxism and Leninism for too long. I just felt like writing again.

Have a good Saturday night.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, March 8, 2013

Stuff's Gone Down

Hey everyone,

I know, I seem to do this every time, I forget to blog. Except genuinely, I haven't felt like it, since a lot has gone down.

Last time I wrote, I was excited for Omar's arrival, and couldn't have been happier. Literally three and a half weeks later, I was single again, since he didn't feel 'the same' anymore, and nothing I could do would change that. So, I had to deal with my heart being absolutely destroyed, and I've been trying to get by in that emotional regard. Almost three months later, I'm still having a hard time.

Then, I have a myriad of family issues going on that I'd love to discuss, but as others are involved, I shall not out of respect for them. Here's a hint though: this stuff has been affecting a lot of Americans in the past 10 years.

So in essence, life's been...something.

However, I do graduate in May, which is something good. Yet I'm probably still going to still be working at the Mount Washington, just because it's a job that I know can pay the bills, especially after graduation. My parents can't help me after I graduate, so I got to do what I got to do.

Still, I haven't forgotten the big picture. I'm looking at plans for down the road, I just am not sure what to do while still making enough to pay my bills. And I know eventually I want a Masters degree. I just can't stand the thought of more school. Dear God no.

But, it shall happen, I just need to find something to do in the interim. I'm starting to think about the Peace Corps again, that may be a viability, I'm young, and loan forgiveness is an amazing thing. Besides, I'd see the world, and definitely have stories to tell when I got back. Take that, Bilbo Baggins.

Anyhow, I just wanted people know that I'm alive. It will probably be a while once again, and if so, I apologize.

Happy weekend, everyone.