Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Epiphanies of Summer

 Warning: Existential post. Read at your own risk.

Many great things have happened over the past few days, though many would not look at it as such.

I was able to get away from my life for 24 hours and enjoy a cup of coffee while watching the sun rise over a river. I was able to laugh with friends. Hell, I got to play with fire, how awesome is that?

Now, some people wouldn't think that that's anything super special. Many people do those things everyday, what makes it so special?

They're special because they will never happen again.

Yes, you can have these sorts of moments with everyone, or anyone. But what makes them special? The food? The laughter? The smells? While all of that helps, we remember who we were with, and who helped to make something memorable. For instance, I will always remember going to Boston with my cousins when I was eight years old. We all had a great time, and even now, we laugh about some of the shenanigans that took place, like how the fire alarm went off in a restaurant and how half of us were in the restroom trying to zip up our pants as kids.

What makes these memories even more valuable is when they cannot be made anymore. Last fall, my cousin was hit by a car and was killed. While I was not as close to her as I would have liked, I will always remember her sense of humor and her wonderful smile. More so, I will always cherish our childhood memories.

Tonight, I sat with friends around a fire pit while we talked and roasted marshmallows. While probably one of the most simplistic of activities, I took in the sights and sounds the best I could in the dim light. I'm actually transferring to another college, and I feel that I will not see many of my friends again after this summer. In fact, many of my friends have already left, since they've graduated from college and entered the real world. Yes, I know there's Facebook, but it's not the same as seeing your friends and having lunch with them. People do become distant. people do lose contact, even with the use of social networking tools. And people do change. I know how I've changed. My friends and I will become more distant with time, it's inevitable. But, I will delay the inevitable the best I can. I will value every moment and lock it away in my memory. Nothing can take those away.

Our memories are what keeps us together. For example, I may not remain close with my one roommate years down the road. But, I will always remember our bonding sessions, whether it was exchanging tales around a fire pit or watching Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, or even being the guy who I thought looked ten years old and not twenty. We will always have the memories. The same applies to all of my friends and family who have made a difference in my life...including the one night a former roommate and I were yelling at Animal Planet because we didn't want the baby owls to die. But I digress.

I guess my word of wisdom for the night is value every moment you have with your friends. Value every day that you can enjoy the sunrise and not worry about some trivial task. Value your friends and family. And never take it for granted. Because you'll never get that time back. And one day, you won't be able to enjoy what you truly love.

Sorry everyone, I went off on a tangent. But, in the same vein of thought, I'm off to enjoy another great gift in life: Sleep.

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