Monday, July 30, 2012

Coffee, Asado, and Killer Chimangos: An Update

Damn, it's been crazy the past two weeks, sorry folks. But, I figured that you all deserve a bit of an update on what it's like down here in the Southern Hemisphere.

First off, all of the flora and fauna is huge. I mean beyond comprehension. I've seen an aloe Vera plant the size of a one car garage. The one in the picture below is small. And trust me, it's an aloe plant.

On another side note, their wildlife also has great natural defenses, such as barbed beehives. I mean, look at the picture, it says it all.

But, what I fear most down here are the chimangos. They're a mix between a raven and a hawk, and they like to stay in groups. It's like an Alfred Hitchcock film waiting to happen. Then again, it didn't help that Omar told me that they have killed people, which I found out was a lie a short while later. But take a look at them.

Would you trust a group of those with your kids? I wouldn't.

But that's just a quick commentary on the wildlife. I have to say that the food here is absolutely AMAZING. If anyone ever travels abroad for the food, Argentina has to be on your list. The pastries are delicious, the coffee is amazing, the ice cream is great, it's all amazing. However, there is one thing people must have when they are here:

The myth, the legend, the Asado, or as we in the U.S.A. would like to it, a barbecue. And the meat is of a better quality than anything I have had in the U.S. Sorry America, you can't win them all. Especially when it comes to beef.

I also forgot to mention that people here have lives. Yes, they go to work a lot, and there is definitely poverty here. However, people see their families, and they still get together, even if it's just for mate. In that sense, I think the people here have better mental health then the average American who's working insane hours and brings work home with them. But that's a discussion for another post. I'll probably put that in my post about my capstone research, since that one will be far more political. Oh boy!

However, there is the main reason that I'm here, and it's the best reason by far. This has been made possible by the guy who's been my tour guide and translator. He also happens to be my boyfriend.

I mean, look at that face, who couldn't love that face?

But, I'll be in the blogosphere soon. There will be pictures, food, hilarity, and of course, sarcasm to tie it all together.

(I also forgot to mention the Gay Bar. God, I'll need to write about that. Actually, I should just write a book, it would be pretty hilarious and insane. But, I digress.)

Anyhow, everyone have a good night, and I'll write again soon.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Mar del Plata, Argentina

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Don't Cry For Me....Unless Immigration Almost Arrests Me, Then Feel Free

So, my previous plan of a constant update failed. Either my connections were cutting it really close, or JFK wants you to pay for Internet. Lame. And I also apologize for bad quality writing, this bus ride is super shaky.

So, I'll try to update everyone on what happened. I got on a plane in JFK and for the first time ever, heard no English spoken by anyone, at least no as a first language. But also, LAN Airlines has the best customer service on an airline. I tried to speak Spanish, but they knew I was a stupid American and would speak in English for me. It definitely helped, especially when turbulence got rough at points.

Second, LAN has amazing in flight food. That tastes good. And they give you wine with dinner. Good wine. It's awesome. Except their coffee was really weak, I will say that. I mean, you service South America, what the hell?

Second, Santiago Chile is in a gorgeous setting. It makes Middle Earth look like a cakewalk. Especially when you fly over the Andes, which I have no words for, as they're that awesome. I have no clue how someone navigates those mountains, they look like a bunch of bed sheets thrown together in a pile and then starched into peaks. But, that awesomeness does have a prices. I guess the flight can be dangerous over the mountains, so you're not allowed to leave your seats urging that point of the flight. At all. I watched some guy try to get up with his kid, those flight attendants were like hawks on a rabbit.

But then there was the almost bad part when I arrived in Buenos Aires. First off, the plane was running late. Then, when I we landed, we were stuck on the plane for an extra 20 minutes. Some people may say that patience is a virtue, but I disagree when you land and you have one hour to make it to your bus. Then comes the part where which the title of the post earned its name...

So, I paid my entry fee, and the maze of cords and crap were ridiculous. I was finally able to get through, and I thought I was all set, so I start walking towards baggage claim. Then, some gentleman starts yelling "señorita, señorita!" after me. The man continues to speak in Spanish, and I'm there standing like a dumbass, not understanding what the hell he's saying. Finally, I ask if anyone spoke english (in Spanish, of course), as my skill with said language is horrible. However, when they finally got someone who did, his skill was equivalent to my Spanish skill. You can see where this went.

Finally, someone was able to ask "Why Argentina?" I just said simply "To see mi novio (my boyfriend)." Previously, these people were about to kill me (I know this because facial expressions don't lie), but as soon as I said that, they all said, with smiles on their faces,"Awwwww!!!"

I kid you not. This included 2 people from immigration, 1 supervisor, and 2 security guards. All but one were men. I'm telling you the way to get out of a situation in South America is to talk about your Latin boyfriend or girlfriend. After I said that they joked that he needed to step up as my Spanish teacher. And then they let me through. And with 5 minutes to spare, I got on the bus.

So, it may be a few days until I post again. Besides, my family has priority right now, since they haven't heard from me since I left JFK yesterday, so I need to make up for that lack in communication. But, I'll write again soon, and I'll have some pictures,since that's kind of mandatory when traveling abroad.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:On a bus leaving Buenos Aires, Argentina

Monday, July 16, 2012

Don't Cry For Me...Seriously, Don't (Part 1).

So, here begins my trip to Argentina. I thought security would potentially hassle me, but outside of checking out my supply of feminine products, I was cleared without a problem. Except the look on the TSA officer's face was priceless, I will say that.
So, this blog post will be interesting, since it will chronicle my time in the airport until I finally get to Mar Del Plata, so keep an eye on it. It may update without you realizing it. Muhahaha. Ha.
So, without further adieu:
July 16th, 12:37pm EST
I'm sitting in the terminal at Boston Logan, waiting for my plane to JFK. However, since this terminal has a brewery in it, I may grab myself a drink and some grub while I wait. Well, maybe just a drink. I'm really not that hungry right now. If anything eventful happens, I'll keep you updated.

1:18pm EST

Ok, the fire alarm is going off in the terminal. And no one is moving. At all.

Wow, we're an intelligent group of people.

I'm personally taking my cue from the staff. They're not moving either, and I figure if they're not moving, it's not important, and they know it. Or they just have a death wish or something. In any case the damn alarm sound will make me jump off a cliff soon.

By the way, I just called it good with a Mocha Frappacino.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, July 8, 2012

My bad, my bad...

I know, it's been a while.
My life's been a little more nuts than normal. I've been working a lot, spending time with my parents, and trying to get all my ducks in a row before I head to Argentina next week (next week!). So, blogging has been the least of my worries. I apologize, kids.
But, at least I've been making money, since there are some people who can still afford to travel on vacations. Being a server, this means more money in my pocket, for both my trip and for when I go back to Plymouth in the fall. Considering that I pay all my bills and everything, I can't argue that at all.
However, I can argue that my sanity will be gone in the fall semester. I have Senior Capstone, overload on classes, and 2 jobs just to pay bills. So...yeah, that will be interesting.
Some of you may say "Why not take out more loans? You wouldn't have to work as much." I'm sorry, I refuse to take out loans if I don't need to. Besides, I'm going to be lucky if I graduate with just $60,000 in student loans. I've already given up on owning a home, I'd just be happy if I could find a job that could help me pay back my loans on time.
But that's a different story for a different day. But, I swear that when I'm in Argentina I'll post more and put up pictures. I mean, I'll pretty much be on vacation for once, even though I'll be doing research too. So I'll definitely have to blog.
Anyhow, I'm going to get some errands done, and I'll blog again soon.
Side note: Blogpress is an awesome blogging app for an iPad, and if you're interested, try it out. It's worth the 5 dollars.